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   Epiphany Episcopal Church 
   Father Eddie Gibbons - Rector 

Father Gibbons began his ministry among us at Epiphany on Sunday August 1st, 2021, at which time, he celebrated the 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II service.


Father Gibbons was ordained a priest, in the Roman Catholic Tradition, on October 18, 1997. He was received into the Episcopal Church in February 2015 and as a priest in the Episcopal Church on September 28, 2019. 


He most recently completed a Certificate in Anglican Studies at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Wisconsin. 


On May 30th, Fr. Gibbons and his wife, Alicia, celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary.  Alicia is bi-lingual and is fluent in Spanish.  She is also a trained Stephen Minister.


Fr. Gibbons holds a Master in Social Work (MSW) and worked for more than 5 years at Hope Healthcare, most recently as a facility team chaplain at Hope Hospice. 


He has also served and assisted at several episcopal parishes including St. Hillary's in Fort Myers and Good Shepherd in LaBelle. During 2021, he served as Priest in Charge at St. Monica's Episcopal Church in North Naples while the parish went through the process of calling their next Rector. 


Within the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida, Fr. Gibbons is currently a member of the Commission on Ministry (COM) and the Diocesan Council.




   Epiphany Episcopal Church 
2507 Del Prado Blvd S
Cape Coral, FL 33904

Sunday Mass Times

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II With Choir

Ash Wednesday Service
11 a.m.


Our Vision Statement

We welcome each person to our caring community by:

Sharing Christ's healing love through friendship,

prayer, study and worship;

Empowering each one to reach out in love

and serve others in God's name.

Epiphany Episcopal Church


Office hours 10 AM - 2 PM, Tues - Thurs

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Web Master Ronald Fenton

Inspired by The Rev. Edward F.P. Gibbons

©2021 Church of the Epiphany.   

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